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Cervical Mucus Matters When You're TTC. Here's Why.

Writer's picture: Elizabeth King Elizabeth King

Cervical mucus is a mystery to a lot of women. Before trying to get pregnant, cervical mucus probably holds little meaning. What is it? What are ways to improve the production of cervical mucus? Why is it important? For women who are TTC, cervical mucus is another important thing to pay attention to with your body. In this post, we're going to answer a few of your top questions, so you know what to expect and why it's important to pay attention to your body!

Cervical Mucus Matters When You're TTC. Here's Why. -

What is cervical mucus?

First, let's define cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is a major component of your vaginal discharge. You know, the stuff you see in your underwear when you need to pee? During your cycle, the cells of your cervix produce a fluid-like texture that changes throughout the month from dry to wet, creamy to eggy, stretchy to sticky. It might seem a bit uncomfortable to talk about, but it plays a huge role in your vaginal health.

What does cervical mucus look like?

Cervical mucus can change over the course of a month. If you want to start familiarizing yourself with your cervical mucus, the easiest way is to pay attention to what's on your toilet paper when you sit down to use the toilet. It should appear differently than the other secretion or lubrication from your vaginal opening.

Is there a lot of mucus? What is the consistency, pasty, stretchy, thick, slippery like soap? The color? The sensation at your vaginal opening, wet or dry?

How does cervical mucus change throughout my cycle?

There are a few basic things to know when it comes to what you can expect to see with your cervical mucus. Every body is different, but you should still expect to see changes and take note of them depending on where you are in your period. Here are a few things you can expect:

At the beginning of your cycle (menstruation)

On the first day of your period, you probably won't notice much fluid. Because both your estrogen and progesterone levels are low, and your estrogen levels determine your cervical fluid production, you probably won't notice anything.

At the end of your period

Your estrogen levels will rise just a few days after your period. You most likely won't notice any cervical mucus for a few days, but take note that your body prepares to release an egg at ovulation soon.

Just before ovulation

As your estrogen levels continue to rise, your cervix will produce more fluid that's sticky, white, and tacky in texture. As you get closer to ovulation, you'll notice it will become more wet, creamy, and whitish like a lotion.

Around the time of ovulation

The fluid coming out of your vaginal opening will likely start feeling much wetter, more slippery, clear, stretchy, and eggwhite-like in texture. As estrogen levels peak 1-2 days before ovulation, you'll often see that the fluid really mimics the texture of egg whites because of the water content. Sounds strange, but this is actually a good sign.

The end of ovulation

Once your finish ovulating, you'll see less fluid again. The texture will change to become sticky or tacky or just dry and absent completely. The cycle continues and leads us right back to the first day of menstruating.

Why is cervical mucus important to my vaginal health?

One of the things I wish I would have known before I started trying to conceive was how important it is to pay attention to the mucus coming out of your body. Yes, it is important!

Why is that the case? Healthy mucus is usually an indication that you have a healthy cycle. Healthy, fertile mucus also helps sperm thrive and survive on its amazing journey to meet the egg!

You might not notice it at first, but I challenge you to pay attention to your body. Your vaginal mucus will increase and change right before ovulation to become like an egg-white consistency. This is a great indication that things are about to happen with your body, so get ready for intercourse when you see the increase and change in your cervical mucus.

How can I improve the health of my cervical mucus?

If you notice that you don’t have any or very little cervical mucus there are things you can do to improve it:

1. One thing that you can try to increase your monthly mucus is vaginal steaming.

2. Another thing you can do is make sure that you are taking adequate supplements to increase your fertility. A high-quality prenatal vitamin will help to increase your mucus. Omega 3s are important in increasing cervical mucus quality and blood flow to reproductive organs and it also makes your eggs nice and “juicy” so that the sperm can get in. A good Vitamin E increases cervical mucus as well but be sure to avoid supplements and vitamins with fillers and other toxins.

3. Probiotic health also plays a huge role. Consider a probiotic to help with your gut flora. Once everything is balanced and all good in the gut, it will improve your fertile mucus as well.

4. Don’t underestimate drinking your alkaline water! Mucus is water-based (as is most of our body!), so we want to make sure that our bodies are fully hydrated.

5. Try to avoid any antihistamines – it can not only dry up your sinuses but your whole body. Try to look for natural antihistamines similar to Antronex by Standard Process.

6. Be sure to have your hormones checked. If your mucus is low it could be an indication that you need to increase your estrogen.

If you are doing all of the above and you still don’t produce any fertile mucus you can try using lubrication, I recommend Pre-Seed Fertility Friendly Lubricant.

If you have any questions about the health of your cervical mucus, please feel free to schedule a discovery call with me to learn more about your body and know what to expect.

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