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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth King

How to Reduce Stress & Anxiety with IVF

If you’re one in eight couples currently experiencing infertility, the idea of IVF has probably already been in consideration.

While IVF is effective for many couples, it’s also known to cause a lot of stress. When time, emotions, and finances are directed toward the singular goal of getting pregnant, the pressure to conceive is very high. As we know, stress has a negative impact on anyone, especially when undergoing IVF for pregnancy success.

While IVF anxiety can feel crippling, there are a few things that can do to keep the stress at bay. Take a look below for my recommendations. In the meantime, remember IVF stress and anxiety are very common, so please know you are not alone in this process.

Find joy in movement.

When you’re undergoing the stress and anxiety of IVF, light to moderate exercise is a great way to maintain a healthy, positive mindset. Did you know that just 30 minutes of movement a day can reduce cortisol and improve the function of your reproductive organs?

Find consistency in joyful movement like yoga, long walks, Pilates, or other low-impact activities to get your blood moving. You can even put on your favorite song and shake it out! It will instantly shift your mood and energy. While hard workouts can be a great way to release negative emotions and energy, the last thing you want is injury and other complications that can get in the way. Listen to your body and be sure to get clearance from your doctor.

Lean on a supportive community.

When going through this emotional experience of IVF, many parents find it difficult to relate to others, but I promise: you’re not alone. If you can find at least one other person who is going through what you’re experiencing, you’ll find comfort and solace. If you’re looking for connection, I recommend listening to this podcast episode that explains resources like the Fertility Help Hub, an app and website with resources and tips, and a community app where people can connect and share similar struggles.

Fertility Rally is also a great resource as a safe, all-inclusive space for anyone riding the roller coaster of infertility or building their modern families in a non-traditional way.

PSYCH-K®️ is another option that can help your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. You can work to balance or clear subconscious beliefs that could be blocking you from the life you want.

Love on your body.

Let’s be honest: it feels like there are many things you can’t control in the stressful process of IVF. Instead of thinking about what you can’t control, focus on the things you can. While many treatments might seem superfluous, there are many things you can try to put you in a great headspace for your treatments.

Some things you can consider are yoga, reiki, meditation, acupuncture, and massage—any treatments with rhythmic breathing, stretching, and being present in your body to help with chronic stress and be rewarded with with relaxation.

And don’t forget the benefits of great sleep!

Incorporate positive affirmations and gratitude journaling.

Position affirmations can play a huge part in your mindset and your outlook on the future when you’re going through a physically and emotionally taxing journey like IVF.

Phrases like, “I treat my body with kindness and self-compassion,” or “I feel safe, supported, and loved through my fertility journey,” are great things to repeat to put your mind and body at ease.

If you’re struggling with the process right now, I highly recommend using these affirmations in a way that best serves you.

Journaling through the process also provides many benefits, so I highly recommend it. Find a notebook to write in each morning to release your emotions without fear or judgment, track your emotional cycle, and process difficult events among other great benefits.

Get advice from fertility experts.

Last but certainly not least, please do speak to a professional. Seasoned fertility experts are trained with years of experience to work alongside your physician and specialists to help you make an action plan in working through IVF. I’ve personally helped and supported hundreds of new moms, and I look forward to doing the same for you. Click here to learn more about how fertility coaching can help you.

Looking for more ways to reduce stress & anxiety with IVF? Here are three ways to keep your calm in the IVF process.

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