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25 Ways to Love Yourself When TTC

Writer's picture: Elizabeth King Elizabeth King

Trying to conceive without success when you’re hoping to grow your family can be physically taxing and emotionally frustrating. Why show yourself love when your body isn’t cooperating? Because your stress levels matter!

Studies show that women can regain their ovulation when introduced to behavioral therapy that reduces stress, so make time in your day to take care of yourself and practice self-love. Below are 50 ideas to show yourself some love. If you have a partner, you can also suggest doing these things together!

25 Ways to Show Yourself Love When TTC |

  1. Schedule a mental health break day on your calendar.

  2. Grab your favorite notebook, and make time to journal your feelings.

  3. Order in delivery for a delicious, nourishing meal.

  4. Take a nap, a walk, or a quiet time—whatever your body and mind need right now.

  5. Call someone who loves and cares for you.

  6. Write down these positive affirmations about yourself.

  7. Turn off notifications to social media and work emails.

  8. Slip into a cozy bathrobe, light candles, and wind down early for a great night of sleep.

  9. Gift yourself something nice. Here are a few ideas!

  10. Try a new healthy recipe in the kitchen.

  11. Practice gratitude by writing down small things you’re grateful for.

  12. Say “no” to things that don’t serve you today.

  13. Wear your favorite outfit.

  14. Organize your cabinets and restock with TTC vitamins and supplements.

  15. Listen to a podcast, watch a TV show/movie that will make you laugh.

  16. Book an appointment for a massage or give yourself one!

  17. Calm and center yourself with yoga and meditation for fertility.

  18. Surround yourself with positive people. That includes who you follow on Instagram!

  19. Practice your Love Language on yourself.

  20. Show compassion to yourself with these self-compassion meditations and exercises.

  21. Spend some time outside getting some fresh air.

  22. Accept the compliments you’re given.

  23. Read a good book.

  24. Exercise and move your body in a way that feels good to you. Click here for my ideas that you can do while trying.

  25. Seek out help from a professional. If you need someone to talk to, I’m just a few clicks away.

I hope this inspires you to show yourself some love today!

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